Wediombo beach located in the village of Jepitu, Gunung Kidul. The beach is very easy to reach when the previous has come to just go back to the fork in Tepus before heading to the cloves, and then turn right to follow the path to find a board instructions to turn right to get to the Wediombo beach. The coastal plain is much lower compared to the surrounding plains. We have to down dozens of stairs before you can reach the beach and enjoy the panoramic beauty. As he descended the stairs, on the right and the left, we can see some locals fields, settlements and remaining mangrove vegetation. Passing locals who bring the grass or taking care of animals in the cage can also be found.
In addition to the amazing panorama of the beach , this beach also offers a unique travel experience , even extreme , namely fishing in height of the cliff . When this type of travel that stems from habits of the locals fishing is being favored by hobbyists from the city of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. It is not easy to lure in the cliff , because they are too far from the beach . Cliff that can only be reached after a walk to the east along the shore, up and down the shore reefs in steep , slippery and sometimes slammed big waves , then rising again to the peak of the cliff face to face with the open seas . For those who are unfamiliar , the journey to the cliff could take about an hour .
However , remarkable results can be harvested after it beat all odds . Locals said that large fish are often obtained by local tourists . At a minimum , anglers would get shark fish , or fish Panjo in local terms . Fish whose length is equivalent to an adult human 's arm has two types , in the form of roundworm ( cylinder ) were encountered in the dry season , while the flattened ( flat ) encountered during the rainy season .
For fishing , just to feed even a small fish that can be found at the seashore . Just use small fishing nets or stretched , the bait can be obtained . Cheap and easy , right?