For animal lovers, or for those who want to see wild animals everyday, it's here. A little story about the origins of this zoo. In 1993, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII wants to build a resort or amusement a botanical garden (the rojo gaden). This idea was later discussed by Kohler, who was an architect of Austrian nationality. However, this new idea is realized in 1953 by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Ir Karsten. And at that time the exact date Noveber 10, 1953, the foundation Gembiraloka inaugurated by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono and chaired by IX and Paku Alam VIII. Gembiraloka the zoo animals continue to thrive to this day.
Unlike the zoo animals usually display only regular or fenced enclosure with a display of rare wood or iron bars, Gembiraloka also presents a special place for some animals shaped like a museum and located right on the lake shore area of the zoo. In 2007, the Gembiraloka has built a laboratory of flora and fauna as a learning tool for the communities especially children in familiar animals and plants. So lucky for tourists who take their children to Gembiraloka. In addition to seeing the animals there, they also got a lesson about animals.